Hello, my name is Bryce
and this is one of my projects!
1 October 2017 – Update: I took a bunch of screws out to get a better look inside!
Important Info:
I am looking for an electrical engineering student at UIUC (or anyone else with experience in old electronics) that would be interested in taking a look at the circuitry in my broken electric Hammond organ. I can offer some payment, although my budget is limited.
I drove an hour to obtain this electric Hammond organ, for free, from some guy’s garage.
It played beautifully for a while, but in the midst of recording a drone, something popped, and the noise stopped.
The organ still turns on; however, there is no noise when the keys are pressed.
Possibly a problem with the speaker?
There is space at my house for someone to work on this project at their own pace –
ideally, the organ would be fixed asap, but there is no real deadline.
I am hoping to provide a rewarding experience for someone interested in music and electrical engineering. I also want my stuff fixed!
Hit the contact page to get involved: